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Roger Ballen

The House Project – Curated by Didi Bozzini

14.05 - 17.06.2016

“Home” is not just a common name of a thing. “Home” is a huge and complicated idea which in itself includes more, much more. Time, people, matters, feelings, dreams, images, memories, possibilities. A life, so many lives. The Life.

When you are thinking about your life, you realize your home is your mind. It is the place where you were born, grown up and from which you are never come out. That’s where you live, in solitude and among a multitude of individuals and objects. You bring it on your shoulders, you are its guest and its architect.

There’s a place for everything and rooms for everyone. Also for what you have only dreamed or for those who you forgot.

A cellar where your story builds up, a ground floor open to the passage of anyone who wants to enter, a first floor where books keep you company and an attic close to the sky, populated by impalpable beings as the thought.Home is so real and imaginary as much as a photograph.  And, on the walls, there are photographs that recall the past time or announce what is still to come. All were taken just there, in your mind. Are the rooms of a project, which is a self-portrait. The project of your life.