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The Massimo Minini Gallery is happy to announce Maurizio Donzelli’s solo exhibition.

Drawing is the starting point. Drawing is study, thought, creation. Drawing for Maurizio Donzelli is a spontaneous push that makes it possible to turn notions and ideas into concrete and visible works.

The act of drawing is the first step of the artistic creation and keeps in this sense an indissoluble bound with the classical pictorial tradition. And not only this, but drawing for Donzelli becomes in itself a fundamental element of the work. It is mainly composed of closed, full strokes in contrast to soft, flowing lines that form a sign, then a shape and finally a drawing.

For the Massimo Minini Gallery, the artist presents a new project using mirrors. The works in the exhibition have all an uncommon size and look at first glance like two-dimensional objects that mirror the surrounding space. The mirrors, in this sense, don’t allow the visitors to understand them immediately, they rather push the visitors to move in order to investigate the work and to detect its identity. In a foreshortened view, the works don’t disclose straightaway what they contain. The possible ‘revelation’ can take place only through a direct confrontation between visitor and work. The observer is free to change position and point of view to catch all the possible interpretations offered by the work.

The main room of the gallery has been transfigured by these big works and the visitors’ estrangement is certain. The observer is catapulted into a state of instability, where the light and its reflection on the surfaces are an integral feature of the works. This gives life to optical effects that don’t turn in upon themselves but open out to create different kinds of suggestions, they show an open character and above all enhance the possibilities and the expressive qualities of the drawing.  The vibrating, iridescent, always changing surface lets the drawing slowly emerge and become the essence of the mirrors. Every relation appearing among the shapes of the drawings unfolds a segment of time, the artist’s time, the time of his eyes that see a shape and the time of his hand that draws it.

The artist’s first one-man exhibition at the Massimo Minini Gallery took place in 1988, followed by the project La macchina dei disegni in 2001.