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Massimo Minini Gallery is happy to announce a series of new sculpture works by the American artist Sol LeWitt.

Sol LeWitt, whose personality emerged in the early 1960s, is considered to be one of the most important exponents of Minimalism and Conceptual art and is primarily known for his big Wall Drawings and for his sculptures with geometrical patterns.

“There are always a lot of ideas that can’t be accomplished but that are important because they lead to others that can be realized. I have always believed that in my work there is a double kernel: the idea and the result of the idea, and it’s impossible to divide them. I never thought that if something existed just as idea, it would be a complete idea. I have always believed that the cycle must be complete to become a work of art.” (Andrew Wilson, ‘Interview with Sol LeWitt’, Art Monthly, March 1993).

For his third one-man exhibition at Massimo Minini Gallery – the previous ones date back to 1982, 1988 and 1992 – LeWitt presents some colourful sculptures made of fibreglass reinforced plastic and a group of gouaches. The sculpture works, called Splotches or non-geometric forms, show an apparently soft shape and an irregular cut, whose profile defines an ondulating curvilinear movement. These kind of works, which the artist started creating in the late 1990s, differentiate from the structures of past years through a rich colour palette – green, yellow, red, blue, black – in spite of the neutral minimalist white of the past. The use of vibrant hues dates back to the early 1970s with the Wall Drawings and afterwards with the gouaches, some works on paper that derive from the previous ones but have followed their own peculiar development. These are the only works made directly by the artist, with continuous intersecting lines in a tangle of colours.